Meet Joey Sunshine!
Thank you to everyone who submitted entries to help us name our Sun! We had some really great names to choose from. We came across one that sparked a memory, and we knew it would be the right fit!
In 2017, Children’s Dream Fund felt it was time to update our logo. We tried and tried to think of what would represent our mission. Our new logo should be cheerful, bright, strong, and eternal. As we looked through our Dream Children’s files for inspiration, our eyes fell upon a beautiful drawing from Joey. Joey had created a smiling, beaming sunshine in front of a blue sky, indicating brighter days ahead. Joey himself beat cancer and embodies the spirit of optimism!
Joey’s drawing has always made us smile, so much so that we even had it framed and it hangs in our office for all to see! We couldn’t think of a better representation of the sunshine that a dream-come-true brings to a child when they need it most! Joey, thank you for being an inspiration for us for so many years!
Joey Sunshine, welcome to Children’s Dream Fund!